What Effect Does Age Have on Fertility?

What impact does a woman's age have on her capacity to conceive and maintain a pregnancy? One of the key determinants of a woman's ability to conceive and give birth to a healthy child is her age. This is brought on by a number of alterations that come with aging, including: As a woman

By |2023-02-20T08:41:32+00:00October 5th, 2022|News|7 Comments

12 Things to Know About Emerging Therapies for Menopause Reversal

Is menopause reversal actually feasible ? New research makes the case that menopause reversal might be, if only momentarily. Melatonin therapy and ovarian rejuvenation are two potential treatments being studied by researchers. Each treatment seeks to lessen menopausal symptoms and restore regular ovulation. Some people have ovarian rejuvenation procedures Greek fertility physicians invented the

By |2023-10-31T13:14:45+00:00September 30th, 2022|News|1 Comment

Substance discovered that turns back the fertility clock

Before the age of 30, a woman's reproductive years are at their height. After that, fertility begins to drop; by the age of 40, it is around half what it was before the age of 30. Many women struggle with infertility, but a recent mouse study may be able to turn back the clock

By |2023-02-09T10:33:59+00:00September 25th, 2022|News|2 Comments

Exercising after embryo transfer good for health

Contradicting the theory of mandatory rest after embryo transfer during an IVF cycle, a new research has revealed that resuming daily activities and generally exercising after embryo transfer helps in improving blood flow to the uterus and overall body. The results of the research Embryo transfer is a step in the process of assisted

By |2022-12-09T10:19:57+00:00August 1st, 2017|News|2 Comments

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