Greetings from Australia!

The German family who lives in Australia and came in Crete Fertility Centre to make their dream come true have their 2-years birthday for their happy children! Hallo liebe Vivi, lieber Dr Fraidakis und Team! Wir hoffen Ihnen geht es gut und Sie sind gesund? Keine Ahnung ob unser Mail zu Weihnachten Sie erreicht hat

By |2025-03-11T11:59:10+00:00February 26th, 2018|Greetings, News|3 Comments

Ovarian rejuvenation – Success & Greetings

"The use of PRP for the rejuvenation of ovarian function is now routinely performed at Crete Fertility Centre with good patient feedback and success. This has encouraged us to prepare to offer PRP injections for other indications as vaginal atrophy, gynecological aesthetic treatment, to the vagina and labia as well as some types of urinary

By |2025-03-11T11:59:28+00:00June 27th, 2017|Greetings, News|3 Comments

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