Новое исследование с большим успехом в области омоложения яичников!

Crete Fertility Center в очередной раз добился успеха в публикации новой журнальной статьи в области омоложения яичников. Мы рады сообщить, что наше исследование под названием «Внутриовариальные инъекции обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы: безопасность и соображения об эффективности, основанные на опыте одного центра с участием 469 женщин» опубликовано в журнале The Cureus Journal of Medical Science. Cureus

By |2023-05-23T21:58:00+00:0023 мая, 2023|Без категории, новости|0 Comments

Dr Fraidakis at 35th ESHRE Annual Meeting

The scientific director of Crete Fertility Centre, Mattheos Fraidakis, attended the 35th Annual Meeting of the European Community of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) held in Vienna on June 23-26, aiming in providing information on the latest developments in human reproduction. During the sessions of the conference, Mattheos Fraidakis met with well-known colleagues and associates

By |2019-06-26T23:52:22+00:0026 июня, 2019|Без категории|0 Comments

Weight loss before fertility treatment may improve pregnancy odds for women with PCOS

Overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may have a greater chance of becoming pregnant if they lose weight before beginning fertility treatment, according to an analysis of two studies funded by the National Institutes of Health. It is known that women’s fertility declines with age. These findings support delaying fertility treatment in

By |2016-05-23T16:54:28+00:0023 мая, 2016|Без категории|0 Comments

Infertility Treatment, Options Abound

The subject of infertility has always been a sensitive issue and, more often than not, one that does not get the focus it deserves. Recently Time Magazine even went so far as to call infertility ‘one of the last great cultural taboos’. The fact is that those who don’t find it difficult to conceive never

By |2016-05-23T16:51:46+00:0023 мая, 2016|Без категории|0 Comments

Women Should Never Have an Age Limit on Fertility Treatment

A woman’s right to have a baby should be based on medical fact—not social judgement. It’s been a busy few weeks in extreme baby-making: A 65-year-old German grandmother recently gave birth to quadruplets, and another woman the same age became Israel’s oldest mom after giving birth to a son. Although the number of women kicking

By |2016-05-23T16:47:09+00:0023 мая, 2016|Без категории|0 Comments

Meet the mums in their 40s: four stories of having a baby later in life

The fertility rate is now higher among over-40s than under-20s for first time since 1947. But what’s it like to have your first child at this age? New figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the fertility rate of women aged 40 and above has surpassed that of women aged under 20 for

By |2015-08-08T16:52:57+00:008 августа, 2015|Без категории|0 Comments

Meet the mums in their 40s: four stories of having a baby later in life

The fertility rate is now higher among over-40s than under-20s for first time since 1947. But what’s it like to have your first child at this age? New figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the fertility rate of women aged 40 and above has surpassed that of women aged under 20 for

By |2015-08-08T16:52:57+00:008 августа, 2015|Без категории|0 Comments

Meet the mums in their 40s: four stories of having a baby later in life

The fertility rate is now higher among over-40s than under-20s for first time since 1947. But what’s it like to have your first child at this age? New figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the fertility rate of women aged 40 and above has surpassed that of women aged under 20 for

By |2015-08-08T16:52:57+00:008 августа, 2015|Без категории|0 Comments

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