Greetings from Saudi Arabia – Enriched PRP leads to pregnancy

The international positive impact of Crete Fertility Centre in human assisted reproduction is a continuous process.

A woman from Saudi Arabia carried a successful Enriched PRP procedure in our clinic that led to a successful pregnancy.

We are delighted of helping people from all over the world having a baby in their lives!

The greeting message

Hello Popi,

I wanted to share my good news with you. I was waiting for my period, but it didn’t come, so I did a home pregnancy test and the result was positive.

I then had a hormonal test, and the result was positive (3698).

I am in the fifth week of my pregnancy, and aside from plasma and supplements, I haven’t t undergone any other procedures. This is all by Gods grace and then the doctor. If you have any tips, please let me know.

Thank you and best regard

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