Below is a list of Greeting Stories from people all around the world who have visited Crete Fertility Centre to carry out fertility treatments.

Lifetime gratitude!

Mattheos Fraidakis, the scientific supervisor of Crete Fertility Centre, received a special and very pleasant visit these days. The successful applications of human assisted reproduction techniques and IVF for the past 26 years by Crete Fertility Centre creates strong and everlasting relationships and this visit stands as another proof. The dream of motherhood comes true

By |2025-03-10T13:19:58+00:00August 23rd, 2018|Greetings, News|4 Comments

More smiles at Crete Fertility Centre!

A couple from France has visited Crete Fertility Centre these days. After having a child from their successful attempt in our clinic, they visited once again Crete Fertility Centre and Dr Matthaios Fraidakis to express their greetings, having their child in their arms. Dr Fraidakis, who has supervised the whole procedure, is very happy and

By |2025-03-11T11:59:38+00:00July 30th, 2018|Greetings, News|3 Comments

Another successful PRP treatment for Crete Fertility Centre!

The successful results of PRP treatments for ovarian rejuvenation are clear and obvious in Crete Fertility Centre. Our latest testimonial comes as a continuation in the series of the successful treatments which have led to an ovarian rejuvenation and furthermore to a successful pregnancy. Ovarian PRP rejuvenation is a treatment which is routinely performed in

By |2025-03-10T13:20:21+00:00July 27th, 2018|Greetings, News|1 Comment

Greetings from Australia!

The German family who lives in Australia and came in Crete Fertility Centre to make their dream come true have their 2-years birthday for their happy children! Hallo liebe Vivi, lieber Dr Fraidakis und Team! Wir hoffen Ihnen geht es gut und Sie sind gesund? Keine Ahnung ob unser Mail zu Weihnachten Sie erreicht hat

By |2025-03-11T11:59:10+00:00February 26th, 2018|Greetings, News|3 Comments

Greetings from Italy!

Buongiorno dottoressa Kakouri..Fraidakis..Anifantaki... sono emozionata nell' annunciare la nascita di GB..nato 01 febbraio alle 1135 ..3120kg da parto cesareo perché podalico... Non potrò mai smettere di ringraziare tutto il team x aver realizzato il sogno della nostra vita...potete usare le foto per il lo trovo meraviglioso Grazie infinite per tutta la vita l'anno prossimo

By |2025-03-10T13:20:38+00:00February 12th, 2018|Greetings, News|2 Comments

New smiles in Crete Fertility Centre!

A couple from Italy has visited Crete Fertility Centre these days. After having a child from their first successful attempt in our clinic, they decided to extent their family having a second child with the assistance of Dr Matthaios Fraidakis. The whole procedure was under Dr Fraidakis supervision, who is very happy, having these two

By |2025-03-10T13:20:53+00:00August 24th, 2017|Greetings, News|0 Comments

Lots of smiles in Crete Fertility Centre!

A German family that lives in Australia, has visited Crete Fertility Center after having (IVF treatment of assisted reproduction in our clinic. Their dream came true, having two beautiful and healthy babies! The whole procedure was under Dr Fraidakis supervision, who is very happy, having these two babies in his arms. 25 years of high

By |2025-03-10T13:21:06+00:00July 17th, 2017|Greetings, News|2 Comments

Ovarian rejuvenation – Success & Greetings

"The use of PRP for the rejuvenation of ovarian function is now routinely performed at Crete Fertility Centre with good patient feedback and success. This has encouraged us to prepare to offer PRP injections for other indications as vaginal atrophy, gynecological aesthetic treatment, to the vagina and labia as well as some types of urinary

By |2025-03-11T11:59:28+00:00June 27th, 2017|Greetings, News|3 Comments

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